Threat: Several Netgear routers are vulnerable to remote hacking.

Real World Scenarios: A hacker can take over your router and use it for other nefarious purposes. While compromised the router would most likely perform poorly affecting your Internet Access.

Mitigation: Here’s what you can do –

  • Check for updates for your router and apply them regularly. Especially over the next few days/weeks.
  • If a patch for your router hasn’t been releases yet you can use this link to temporarily disable the vulnerability.
    • http://[router_IP_address]/cgi-bin/;killall$IFS’httpd’
  • This disables the routers web interface and will only protect the router until the next restart.
  • You will need to restart in order to access the routers web interface to check for and apply updates.

More Info:

Netgear KB Article

PC Mag Article

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