Did You Know?

9 out of 10 breaches happen as a result of compromised email accounts.

In response, Microsoft has added Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) sometimes refered to a 2-Factor, or 2-Step Authentication (2FA) to Office 365 Accounts. This FREE service provides users with an extra layer of protection against data breaches that traditional username and password combinations cannot provide.

How Does it Work?
After correctly entering their password, MFA-enabled users will be required to acknowledge a phone call, text message, or an app notification on their smartphones. Only after this second authentication factor has been satisfied can a user sign in.

Simply put, you can essentially give away your username and password, and remain secure. Since the hacker doesn’t have your phone to receive the call or approve the login they can’t access your account even if they have your username and password. 
For more details on this Microsoft service offering, click here.

Contact Us today to get Mutli-Factor Authentication set up on your devices. As security is a priority now more than ever, this feature is an easy way to ensure your systems are protected from potential breaches. BMT can assist with set up and answer any questions you may have.