BMT Announcement

2022 – BMT Year in Review!

We've Recapped the Most Popular Topics of 2022!With a almost full year of post-covid living, we see things somewhat back to status quo. We decided to take a look back and see what trended this past year - this intel shows how things are changing and offers insight as to [...]

Receive a Cyber Insurance Risk Assessment

Thinking About Cyber Insurance?  Receive a Free Risk Assessment to Learn More If you are considering cyber insurance, now is a great time.  According to a recent Wall Street Journal article, it seems demand has cooled off a bit after a surge in ransomware attacks in recent years propelled [...]

Final Week of Cybersecurity Awareness Month!

It's the final countdown!!  As we head into Week 4 (10/24-10/28) we discuss the importance of applying software updates. Please review the videos and access our free resources to learn how to patch security vulnerabilities that cyber threat actors can exploit. Staying informed regarding publicly disclosed vulnerabilities and applying [...]

Webinar: The Latest in Cyber Insurance

A Must-Attend for Small to Medium-Sized Businesses Considering Cyber Insurance! Let us simplify the world of cyber insurance for you. As cyberattacks continue to grow in sophistication, insurance companies are drafting newer policies that impose greater burdens and conditions upon policyholders. BMT will be joined by cyber insurance broker Datastream, [...]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month – The Wild World of Phishing

Movin' on to Week 3 of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month!  This week (10/17-10/21) we dive into the world of phishing. Please review the videos and access our free resources to learn how to better detect and report phishing attempts! Protect yourself!! Week 3 Video - Detecting and Reporting Phishing [...]

BMT and Rhombus to host Construction Security Webinar

Business Machine Technologies, Inc. (BMT) is excited to announce our next webinar event on October 12 at 1:00PM.  In conjunction with Rhombus, BMT will be hosting Gain Visibility Into the Worksite with Smart Cameras and Sensors – the Latest Technologies to Improve On-Site Security and Safety.  This free, 45-minute [...]

Cyber Insurance 101

It seems hardly a day goes by without a new report of a cyberattack.  The average ransom payment shot up 82 percent from 2020 to 2021. By the middle of 2021, the number of ransomware attacks was up more than 150 percent over the entirety of 2020.  These numbers are [...]

Top 3 Phishing Attack Simulators to Defend Your Network

Did you know the median financial impact of a breach over the past year is $21,659, with 95 percent of incidents falling between $826 and $653,587?  Of these attacks 85% involved a human element.  Phishing emails are one of the most popular attack vectors for cybercriminals, with scams becoming [...]

Email Not Working? Reach us via Social!

Two weeks ago we reported an issue Microsoft was having with Outlook.  Emails were unusually slow/delayed.  We wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of other ways to connect with us if email is not the best option.  You can always connect with BMT! Connect With Us Via [...]

The Best in Customized Office Security Solutions

BMT Offers Comprehensive Security Solutions to Meet your Everyday Needs From security system design and integration, to cabling and hardware installation, our experienced team protects your business at every location, 24/7.   We plan, design, install, implement, test and service your security system across all your business locations. Our ongoing [...]

The Most Important Tool To Prevent a Breach

The Most Important Security Tool You Should Be Using. Yes, it's FREE*! It's a fact, more than 90% of successful hacks and data breaches start with phishing scams. One of the simplest and most effective techniques used by cybercriminals to achieve their goals are what is known as phishing [...]

BMT to Participate at 2022 UTCA NJ Annual Convention

BMT is excited to exhibit at the upcoming Utility and Transportation Contractors Association of New Jersey (UTCA NJ) Annual Convention from September 29-October 1 at the Borgata in Atlantic City. This year's convention will feature over 100 exhibitors displaying the latest in equipment, technology and services for the construction [...]

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