
Videos of BMT Events

Optimizing Your Home Office Space

Recent events have workers with home offices spending more time in them than ever intended. We know most work/living places aren’t ready for this. Yet millions have been sent home, and will likely be there for a while, possibly permanently. Odds are your remote work office is neither an [...]

Perch Security: Co-Managed Threat Detection and Response Platform

View the final recorded episode in BMT's Remote Works Security Series as we present Perch, a co-managed threat detection and response platform. This cost-effective service detects threats that slip past traditional defenses and offers deeper insight into alerts generated by other tools. Perch works with all existing endpoint protection [...]

Securing Your Data in the Cloud

Transitioning business to the cloud is a good move for any organization that wants to protect data, have mobility and flexibility, and enjoy a cost effective solution that fits evolving needs.  However, moving to the cloud doesn't remove your responsibility for security, depending on your setup you may actually increase [...]

BMT’s Stew Smith Speaks on Cloud Security at NJBIA Cybersecurity Summit

On June 15, 2018, BMT's Stew Smith joined a panel of industry experts to talk about “Moving to the Cloud - Tips and Tricks for Cloud Security” – this NJBIA sponsored session outlined the benefits of cloud computing, best practices for cloud security, and methods for making security even [...]

By |2019-07-31T11:59:43-05:00July 17th, 2018|Categories: BMT Announcement, Events, Videos|Tags: , |
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