The June 9 deadline is coming, are you FTC Safeguards Compliant?

On Tuesday, November 15th, the FTC postponed enforcement of some of the requirements of the revised Safeguards Rule.  This change allows affected entities some breathing room, offering an six additional months (6/9/23) for implementation.   To ensure you are not scrambling last minute, we’ll offer monthly updates on how you can start moving towards compliance.
Let’s continue with Requirement #2:

~ Conduct Risk Assessments ~

Undertake risk assessments and implement safeguards to address identified risks. Assessments must be in writing and include criteria for evaluating and identifying security risks, as well as ways to mitigate or accept those risks.  Risk assessments must be performed periodically to reassess the reasonably foreseeable risks to the security of customer information.

What is a Risk Assessment?
Risk Assessments include taking inventory of your data and where it’s being stored. Then, assess your organization’s threats and risks; this should be an evaluation of any internal or external security risks that could compromise the security, confidentiality, or integrity of customer information.  Need help getting started?  BMT can provide you with an IT Health Check, which assesses mentioned risks.  We’ll show you where you’re ahead…and where the risks reside.

BMT has the expertise to ensure your program is compliant. Want to learn more?
Schedule a Safeguards Compliance Assessment Today