We continue on with National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! This week (10/18-10/22) we focus on what’s new in the world of online security. Please review our videos and free resources to learn the latest in how to protect your online assets. Protect yourself and stay safe!
Week 3 Video – Security Awareness Training
Amidst the backdrop of increasing cyber threats, cybersecurity awareness training has now become more of a necessity in the workplace . Click to watch the 2-minute video to learn how to easily implement a solid training program.
Week 3 Video – Perch Threat Detection and Response
When all your preventive measures fail, (email threat detection, AV on Firewall, Server and PCs, Security Awareness training, etc.) our preferred Perch will alert you to any suspicious activity in your Network. Watch the 3-minute video to learn more about Perch.

Week 3 – Free Resources

Coming Up… next Wednesday we’ll talk Cybersecurity First. Things to consider as we continue to operate virtually in both our work and personal lives!