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Welcome to the world of patching your Peloton Bike.  Security firm McAfee says it recently found a security vulnerability in the Peloton Bike + that could allow hackers to access its microphone and camera by installing malware in a USB port.  According to McAfee’s Advanced Threat Research team, a hacker can discreetly control the stationary bike’s screen remotely and interfere with its operating system. That means hackers could, for example, install apps that look like Netflix or Spotify and steal the users’ log-in information. Perhaps more alarmingly, the cybersecurity team was able spy on users via the camera and microphone, which is normally used for video chats with other users.  A patch for this vulnerability was released on June 4.

What cybersecurity lessons can be taken from this?  The continued reminder to regularly protect all internet-connected devices.  As a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP), BMT is dedicated to ensuring your business is safe and secure from potential threats.  Through a multitude of steps and layers, we continually evaluate and stay ahead of potential attacks.

Want to learn how you can best keep your remote devices secure?  Watch our short video or contact a member of the BMT team for more information.