Counting down to Tip #11…Update Your Software!

We know it’s easy to skip software updates because they can take up a few minutes of our time, and may not seem that important. But this is a mistake that keeps the door open for hackers to access your private information, putting you at risk for identity theft, loss of money, credit, and more.  Whether the updates are just regular software updates, or an entire operating system update, it’s generally best practice to automatically update your computer.

Most Windows programs update periodically run all by themselves and ask you to update.  One of the most important thing you can do to ensure updates are happening is to sign off your computer every day.  Windows will put off updates if a user is logged in.  If updates are delayed enough, Windows might run updates during the workday or when a computer is powered on/restarted, potentially causing long delays.  Learn more about the benefits of signing off your computer each day.

Another fun video, courtesy of our friends at The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).