As of July 1, 2022, clients need to lock-in their Microsoft Office 365 subscriptions for 1 year or be subject to a 20% price increase. This change is part of Microsoft’s New Commerce Experience (NCE) subscription model, implemented March 2022. This new model brings a price increase to monthly subscribers of Microsoft’s software as a service (SaaS) offerings.
What Should You Do?
If you have not done so, we highly recommend committing to an annual contract prior to July 1 to avoid the price increase. Although an annual commitment, you will still be billed monthly.  Benefits of committing to annual contract:
  • You are not subject to the 20% price increase.
  • You still have the option of paying monthly for the yearly commitment.
  • The price for the products during the term of the commitment is locked in. You can increase license counts at any time, but you cannot reduce license counts until the term is up for renewal. You can upgrade products in the committed plan at any time.

How will you be affected by this increase? We will follow up with an informational email and a Change Order quote specific to your account. If you have any questions or need assistance regarding this service change, please contact a member of the BMT team.