Having your Facebook account hacked is a nightmare.  If you become a victim of compromise, there is no customer support at the social media giant – no phone number, no email.  Your only option is to report the hacked account through Facebook’s website.  Frustrations have become so high, some victims are resorting to purchasing Oculus Quest 2 headphones for help. Oculus is a virtual reality company owned by Facebook but with its own customer support system.  The cost: $299.

What Should You Do?
There are a number of simple things you can do to secure your Facebook account and prevent it from being hacked.

  • Create a strong, secure password – A strong password should be memorable for you but difficult for anyone else to guess. It should be between 10-15 characters long, a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters and include numbers or symbols.
  • Use unique Facebook login details –You should always use a unique username and password so that in the unfortunate event of your Facebook account being hacked, attackers won’t have access to your other online accounts. If you have trouble remembering multiple passwords, you should consider the use of a password manager. This provides a centralized and encrypted location that will keep a record of all your passwords safe.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication – Two-Factor Authentication provides an extra layer of security. If someone steals or guesses your password, they won’t be able to access your account without the authenticating login code. To activate Two-Factor Authentication, go to Settings> Security and Login, look for Two-Factor Authentication, then click on the Edit button.
  • Adjust your privacy settings – Regularly check and adjust your privacy settings to restrict what people can and can’t see on your profile. Change your settings from Public/Everyone to Friends or Friends you Choose.
Pictures, contacts, information on your profile – these are all things wouldn’t want to lose access to. Implement these security measures today to prevent your Facebook account from falling into the wrong hands!