One Month Away – FTC Safeguards Rule Deadline!

Next month (June 9), the FTC enforcement of the revised Safeguards Rule go into effectWe encourage you to view our Compliance Checklist to see if your organization needs to comply, and what needs to be done.   Here is this month’s tip to ensure you are on the right track!
Let’s continue with Requirements #4 & #5:

~ Routinely Monitor and Test Effectiveness of Safeguards and Make Sure Staff are Properly Trained ~

  • Routinely Monitor and Test Systems
    This can be accomplished through through continuous monitoring of your systems.  If you don’t implement that, you must conduct annual penetration testing, as well as vulnerability assessments, including system-wide scans every six months designed to test for publicly-known security vulnerabilities.
  • Make Sure Staff are Properly Trained
    Training staff is one of the most important things you can do to prevent your organization from a breach.  Provide your staff with security awareness training and schedule regular refreshers.  Insist on specialized training for employees, affiliates, or service providers with hands-on responsibility for carrying out your information security program and verify that they’re keeping their ear to the ground for the latest word on emerging threats and countermeasures.

BMT has the expertise to ensure your program is compliant. Want to learn more?
Schedule a Safeguards Compliance Assessment Today