Following Ubiquiti’s security incident and its subsequent recommendation to change your router/admin password and enable multi-factor authentication (2FA), we thought this would be a good opportunity to remind you of the importance of changing passwords regularly, especially those not used frequently and often forgotten.
Wireless routers are an easy gateway for hackers to get into our systems, and the manufacturer’s default passwords on routers are freely accessible on the Internet. Therefore, it is important to change your router’s password to a unique security password and enable 2FA.

What Should You Do?
We recommend accessing and changing your Admin and WiFi Passwords. The Admin password is for controlling the settings on your home network, your WiFi Password provides access to the Internet. How can you easily access and change?

 Could you be affected by the Ubiquiti breach or do you need help accessing Admin/WiFi Passwords?  Contact a member of the BMT for assistance.