Not yet Cinco de Mayo, today we celebrate an equally festive day (in techie minds) – World Password Day!!
Celebrated the first Thursday of May, Password Day was created to raise awareness about the importance of password security, the most prominent threats, and best practices for users to follow.

The BMT experts were sourced to provide top solutions for improved personal and organizational security.  Here are the results:

Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA/MFA)

Two-Factor Authentication can be viewed as your personal firewall.   This function can also be used at a day-to-day level by ‘opting in’ to two-stage authentications across personal items, including your email account and on mobile applications, which prompt you for logins.  Most applications support 2FA and we cannot recommend this enough.  Learn more about 2FA by watching our short tutorial.

Keep Systems Updated

When a software update isn’t installed, security flaws are not patched, which opens up a backdoor for cybercriminals. These security flaws act as holes that can make it easier for cybercriminals to infect your devices with malicious software, such as malware. Unpatched security flaws also increase the risk of having your data stolen and your accounts compromised.  Make sure systems are regularly patched and updated!

Use a Password Manager

One of the most important thing about passwords is making sure you utilize long, hard to guess words.  The problem?  No one can remember them!  As a result, most people end up reusing the same passwords, which are often not very complex.  Our suggestion – use a Password Manager.   This simple tool is inexpensive (free for most) and easy to use, and removes all the hassle associated with remembering passwords.  Click to learn how to use a Password Manager and the top programs available.

Adopt Biometrics (when available)

Facial scans, fingerprints, voice recognition – there are all popular forms of biometrics.  Although not currently as widely available, the use of physical characteristics from a user as a credential for secure authentication and identity verification is growing as they generate a higher level of security.

Need Help Improving Your Security Posture?  Contact a member of the BMT Security Team.