As all good things must end, it is almost time to say goodbye to the Windows 7 operating system (OS). As of January 14, 2020, Microsoft will cutoff support of the OS. With so many computers running Windows 7 (a little under half of all computers in the world), a significant migration will need to take place in the coming year. To learn more about this advisory, visit the Microsoft site:
What Should You Do?
Plan to begin your migration to Windows 10. Those who continue with Windows 7 beyond the cutoff date will no longer receive updates or patches, making these systems extremely vulnerable to cyber threats that will worsen with time. As moving systems and necessary applications to Windows 10 may take some adjustments, taking the steps to migrate now will allow for time to navigate the new systems and iron out any potential issues.
BMT Managed Services Clients – the BMT team will be reaching out to discuss the specific impact of this major platform shift in your business and the options available to you.
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