If you haven’t made the move to upgrade your systems to Windows 10, now is the time. With less than five months until support ends for Windows 7, it is important to begin taking inventory of software and hardware assets now to ensure you are ready to go for the January 14, 2020 deadline.


Opportunity for Refresh – Hardware Assets
The migration is a great opportunity for you to take inventory of existing hardware assets (monitors, keyboards, PCs). Next, consider the current state of your organization to decide if it would be worthwhile to upgrade to a “budget” or “performance” build. Upgrading simultaneously will improve efficiencies and allow for long-term increased productivity. It’s a great reason to pair your software upgrades with some shiny new hardware!


Need Help?
Schedule your Windows migration assessment today. Our service team will determine the number of workstations that are in need of upgrade/replacement and assist in the migration process to Windows 10. We can also make suggestions as to what hardware is in need of upgrading.