We are closing out Week 1 (10/5-10/9) of Cybersecurity Awareness Month by highlighting a free tool that drastically reduces your chance of becoming a victim of fraud, data loss and identity theft. Adding just a few extra seconds to your day, 2-Factor Authentication is one of the best ways to protect your online accounts. Please review the video and free resources below to learn more and get started!

Week 1 Video – Two-Factor Authentication
Protecting your applications and environments with two-factor authentication (2FA) is the simplest, most effective way to verify that your users are who they say they are. Click here or video to learn more about the free programs available and how to easily set-up 2FA (3 minutes).


Week 1 – Free Resources

Coming Next Week…We’ll provide valuable info and resources to help protect against everyday email threats. Applies to both personal and business accounts!