Free Resources to Assist Small Businesses as we Continue Down the Road
Through Recovery and Beyond

New Year, New Beginnings! As many businesses continue to change and adapt to this ever-evolving environment, we are providing resources to help you work. Each week, we will focus on a different area, providing information and free tools to help drive your business through recovery and beyond.

This week we focus on SecureIT, highlighting everyday things you can do to protect yourself against threats and outages. Intruder prevention and detection, cybersecurity awareness, end to end communication, remote device safety, and business continuity – all things to ensure you continue to work productively, without interruption.

Cloud Security
Transitioning your business to the cloud is a good move for any organization that wants to protect data, have mobility and flexibility, and enjoy a cost effective solution that fits evolving needs.  However, moving to the cloud doesn’t remove your responsibility for security, depending on your setup you may actually increase your risk.  Watch this video to learn the top 5 threats cloud environments face and the most effective tools to protect yourself.

Securing Remote Devices
This informative video reviews challenges specific to remote work environments – we look at potential threats, discuss different ways to connect, and communicate the importance of securing remote devices.  Areas of discussion include: what is the best ways to connect – VPN/Remote Control, new work-from-home threats to your network,  and technology to best manage your remote workforce devices.

Perch Security Platform
Perch is a co-managed threat detection and response platform. This cost-effective service detects threats that slip past traditional defenses and offers deeper insight into alerts generated by other tools. Perch works with all existing endpoint protection and other security products, and never requires you to buy any additional solutions or change what you’re already using.   Watch this short video to learn more about Perch and the primary features and benefits.