Free Resources to Assist Small Businesses as we Continue Down the Road
Through Recovery and Beyond

New Year, New Beginnings! As many businesses continue to change and adapt to this ever-evolving environment, we are providing resources to help you work. Each week, we will focus on a different area, providing information and free tools to help drive your business through recovery and beyond.

This week we focus on SupportIT, featuring things that can help you maintain and grow your remote work situation.  Accessible support center hours, remote device support, new hire onboarding, infrastructure support and aligning services with your roadmap – all resources to ensure you have what you need to successfully communicate, collaborate and get work done.

Optimizing Your Home Office Environment
Recent events have workers with home offices spending more time in them than ever intended. We know most work/living places aren’t ready for this. Yet millions have been sent home, and will likely be there for a while, possibly permanently. Odds are your remote work office is neither an optimized nor particularly happy place right now – this short video will help make your current workspace more productive and comfortable.

Server-Based Computing
Server-based computing refers to the technology by which applications are implemented, controlled, supported and functioned on the server instead of the client. Upgrading hardware, application deployment, backing up of data and technical support are simplified in a server-based environment. This short video will show how your organization can achieve greater efficiency, security, and mobility within critical operations.

Downsizing of Office Space, Moving Servers to the Cloud
Learn more about the features and benefits cloud computing offers during this 15-minute recorded webinar.  Flexibility, cost and the ability to work from anywhere are some of the many advantages of moving to the Cloud.  A must watch!