
One Month Away! Are You FTC Safeguards Compliant?

One Month Away - FTC Safeguards Rule Deadline! Next month (June 9), the FTC enforcement of the revised Safeguards Rule go into effect.  We encourage you to view our Compliance Checklist to see if your organization needs to comply, and what needs to be done.   Here is this month's [...]

Free Cybersecurity Tool You Need To Be Using

Cybersecurity Professionals use this Tool Every Day. Have You Tried It? Have I Been Pwned Created by award-winning cybersecurity thought leader and teacher Troy Hunt, Have I Been Pwned is a website where you enter your email address to check if your address has been revealed in a data breach. [...]

Tired of Being Tracked Online? Simple Steps to Opt Yourself Out!

Tired of Being Tracked Online? Get Your Privacy Back With These Simple Tools! It seems nowadays information is readily available anywhere online.  A simple Google search will likely provide your name, address, phone number, birth date and more.  This information is not only available for all to see, it [...]

Protection on a Minimal Budget? We’ve Got You Covered With These 3 Security Tools!

Protection on a Minimal Budget? We've Got You Covered With These 3 Security Tools! So much news continues to be revolved about breaches. As overwhelming as it may seem, there are simple, low cost tools available to protect yourself from everyday attacks. We've identified 3 cost-effective things you can easily [...]

June is Around the Corner! FTC Safeguards Rule

Time is Running Out to Comply with Revised FTC Safeguards Rule On Tuesday, November 15th, the FTC postponed enforcement of some of the requirements of the revised Safeguards Rule.  This change allows affected entities some breathing room, offering an six additional months (6/9/23) for implementation.   To ensure you are [...]

Countdown Continues – FTC Safeguards

The June 9 deadline is coming, are you FTC Safeguards Compliant? On Tuesday, November 15th, the FTC postponed enforcement of some of the requirements of the revised Safeguards Rule.  This change allows affected entities some breathing room, offering an six additional months (6/9/23) for implementation.   To ensure you are [...]

Server Room Clean Up Package

Spring is Coming, Time to Clean Up Your Server Room! Why is it Important to Keep Your Server/Cable Room Clean? A Messy Area Makes it Difficult to Troubleshoot Network Issues Keeping Dust/Dirt to a Minimum Increases the Longevity of Equipment A Dirty Environment Attracts Rodents that Destroy Equipment A [...]

FTC Safeguards Countdown – Steps to Take Now!

On Tuesday, November 15th, the FTC postponed enforcement of some of the requirements of the revised Safeguards Rule.  This change allows affected entities some breathing room, offering an six additional months (6/9/23) for implementation.   To ensure you are not scrambling last minute, we'll offer monthly updates on how you [...]

Catch-IT: Microsoft’s First Patch Tuesday of 2023 Delivers 98 Fixes

Microsoft Kicks Off 2023 With 98 Fixes Microsoft released a whopping 98 security fixes for yesterday's Patch Tuesday, almost double the number it turned out leading into the holiday season.  Out of the 98, eleven were classified as "Critical", with one identified as being actively exploited. The actively exploited [...]

2023 IT Investments – Where to Prioritize?

Not surprisingly, cybersecurity tops the list as a priority for 2023.  According to Red Hat's 2023 Tech Outlook report, the need for cybersecurity investments was cited as a priority across a variety of technology categories including cloud infrastructure, big data and analytics, and automation.  Network security and cloud security were [...]

Your New Years Resolution – Develop a Company Incident Response Plan

This Pops Up On Your Computer Screen.  What Do You Do Next? As the world of cybersecurity continues to evolve, it is no longer an option to not have a plan in place to deal with a crisis situation.   For many companies, one isolated incident (similar to above) can [...]

Catch-IT: Two Vulnerabilities Identified in Microsoft Products

Critical Patches Recently Released for Microsoft Products Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Microsoft products, the most severe of which could allow for remote code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, [...]

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