
What OpenAI SearchGPT Can Do for Your Business

Business owners worldwide depend on search engines to quickly get them the resources and answers they need. Google does a good job of delivering search results. Still, if you've got a complex or unusual query, this search engine behemoth sometimes drops the ball. If you want faster, more reliable [...]

By |2024-09-04T11:42:31-05:00September 4th, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |

Cybersecurity in Business: Safeguarding Data in the Digital Frontier

With the ever-rising digital age comes artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other technological advancements that enhance how companies perform processes and communicate with consumers. Unfortunately, as tech tools make things easier for business owners like you, they also encourage and assist virtual attackers trying to harm you. So, implementing [...]

Google Fixes High-Severity Chrome Flaw Actively Exploited in the Wild

Google has rolled out security fixes to address a high-severity security flaw in its Chrome browser that it said has come under active exploitation in the wild. CVE-2024-7971 is a high-severity vulnerability caused by a type confusion weakness in V8, the open-source JavaScript and WebAssembly engine developed by Google for the [...]

Copilot for Excel – Three Cool Features

Using Copilot for Excel The combination of Copilot and Excel makes data analysis a simple process for all users, especially for those who are less experienced in the use of tables, formulas and graphs.  Copilot allows you to view, analyze and transform the data in a spreadsheet, starting from a [...]

Keeping Software Updated: The Key to Optimal Business Performance

Businesses are more dependent on software than ever before. This helps them stay competitive, meet customers' needs, and continue to grow their bottom lines. However, most business software requires ongoing maintenance to keep working effectively — hence the need for software updates. Read on to learn why keeping your [...]

Watch Out for This New Malware Campaign

Social engineering is one of the fastest-growing methods for hackers to gain access to networks for malicious purposes. Essentially, it means deceiving or manipulating someone into providing information that allows a bad actor to steal information or money or gain access to sensitive computer networks. Although phishing is one [...]

Using Copilot for PowerPoint! Top 5 Features

Using Copilot for PowerPoint Microsoft Copilot will help you create, design, and deliver effective PowerPoint presentations. With its advanced capabilities and features, Copilot can save you significant time and effort, allowing you to focus on what matters most: delivering a compelling message to your audience. In addition, Copilot creates [...]

Google’s Advanced Protection Program Offers Passkeys for High-Risk Users

Are you a business owner who uses the Google Advanced Protection Program (APP) for absolute online security? If so, recent updates mean Google’s Advanced Protection Program now offers passkeys for high-risk users like you, making it stronger. Below, we’ll explain the APP and how passkeys protect your online activities [...]

Don’t Neglect Software Updates and Patches

Many times, employers don’t update their systems since they feel the downtime for the devices would slow business, or they don’t see the point of it. In the latter case, users believe updates change the layout and functionality they’re already used to or add unnecessary features that don’t matter, [...]

Tech Literacy: The Essential Skill for Small Business Owners

Tech literacy isn’t what it used to be with the constant evolution of online programs, portable devices, and software tools. That means incorporating technology into your small business is no longer solely about typing up documents on Microsoft Word, keeping inventory with Excel spreadsheets, or sending emails. If this [...]

3 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need Pen Testing

Pen testing involves attack simulation campaigns that replicate real-world attacks on the network in order to identify weaknesses.  By regularly testing your systems and network, you will be able to quickly identify and address vulnerabilities. Here are 3 primary reasons you need pen testing. Security While the big data breaches [...]

Benefiting from CloudFlare’s New Tool

As AI tools become more sophisticated, protecting original content and intellectual property on your website is becoming increasingly difficult. AI bots are constantly scraping webs for data to train AI models, often using it without authorization or compensation. While many of the biggest names in AI, including Google, Apple, [...]

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