
Cybersecurity Awareness Month – 2FA

We are closing out Week 1 (10/5-10/9) of Cybersecurity Awareness Month by highlighting a free tool that drastically reduces your chance of becoming a victim of fraud, data loss and identity theft. Adding just a few extra seconds to your day, 2-Factor Authentication is one of the best ways to [...]

Cybersecurity Awareness Month – Week 1

Welcome to Week 1 of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! This week (10/5-10/9) we are focusing on steps you can easily implement to Secure your Online Accounts (Password Manager and 2FA). Please review the video and free resources below to better protect your online assets! Week 1 Video - Using [...]

It’s Cybersecurity Awareness Month, Let’s Celebrate!

We're kicking off our favorite month of the year, October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month! The recent shift in work situations presents a number of new challenges when it comes to securing your environment.  Every week throughout the month, we will provide free videos, resources, tools and more to [...]

Slow Internet? The Solution May Be Easier Than You Think.

Kids are taking classes online via live-streaming.  Mom is working from home, running her team’s Zoom meetings a few times a day. Dad is also working from home (WFH),  sharing Mom’s office, both running video conferences, spreadsheets, messaging programs and more.  This doesn't account for video games and the [...]

Webinar – The Power of a Cloud-Based Phone System

Don't miss us on 9/9 for a free 30-minute webinar (and receive a $25 GrubHub gift card to enjoy lunch!) as we discuss the power of using RingCentral’s cloud-based phone system and the ease of transition from existing office-based systems. Topics of Discussion Solutions and tools to create a [...]

Webinar – BMT’s IT Health Check

Join us on 8/27 for a 15-minute webinar and receive a $20 GrubHub gift card* to enjoy lunch! This short, informative webinar highlights BMT's IT Health Check program and how you can benefit from a transparent look at the inner workings of your IT systems. From security to performance, [...]

Introducing BMT’s FlexibilIT Free Resources

You Jumped Into a New Way of Doing Business. Now What? Businesses are now looking ahead to future goals for their remote workforce. An organization seeking to keep workers “untethered” for the long term must provide employees with the tools and secure remote infrastructure to keep their business productive and strong. Introducing….FlexibilIT©. BMT's Free FlexibilIT Resources These free educational [...]

Webinar – The New Normal: Work From Home and Remote Employee Enablement

Please join RingCentral & Business Machine Technologies Inc. for a quick 30-minute discussion on solutions to ensure business continuity and optimize your employee's ability to be successful as a remote workforce. We will dive into: Maximizing employee productivity with communication and collaboration Best practices, tools and processes to optimize [...]

Downsizing of Office Space, Moving Servers to the Cloud

Recent Events Have Reshaped the Current Office Landscape  COVID-19 has proved to many businesses that their staff is as, if not more, productive when working from home. Those that had previously embraced cloud solutions realized a seamless transition. That’s because cloud computing increases, mobility, efficiency, helps improve cash flow [...]

Server-Based Computing

Reap the Benefits Resulting from Reduced Overhead, Lower Acquisition Costs and Fewer Moving Parts Server-based computing refers to the technology by which applications are implemented, controlled, supported and functioned on the server instead of the client. Upgrading hardware, application deployment, backing up of data and technical support are simplified [...]

Optimizing Your Home Office Space

Recent events have workers with home offices spending more time in them than ever intended. We know most work/living places aren’t ready for this. Yet millions have been sent home, and will likely be there for a while, possibly permanently. Odds are your remote work office is neither an [...]

Perch Security: Co-Managed Threat Detection and Response Platform

View the final recorded episode in BMT's Remote Works Security Series as we present Perch, a co-managed threat detection and response platform. This cost-effective service detects threats that slip past traditional defenses and offers deeper insight into alerts generated by other tools. Perch works with all existing endpoint protection [...]

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