Tis the season of scamming!  While most of us are enjoying time with friends and family, the bad guys are preying on the increase of online payments and web usage during the holidays.  We decided to take 12 days this holiday season and provide some quick tips and things to be on the lookout for this holiday season.  We’ve also included a fun video, courtesy of our friends at The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

The First Holiday Tip That BMT Sends to You…

If It’s Free, It’s Too Good To Be True.
Scammers use fake gift cards to access your information.  Thieves send out fake emails requesting personal information with promises of providing a gift card to popular businesses like Starbucks or Target.  It sure sounds good, but remember that nothing is free. Once you share your personal information, many of these scammers then work to steal your identity.